Have you heard that replacement windows in San Jose, CA can save you money? It’s true and it’s not just in one way, either. You may know that there’s money to be saved, but did you realize that there are several avenues in which to save money when you get new windows? Here are just the top four money-saving elements in replacement windows.

#1-Energy Efficiency

The one most people know about is the energy efficiency that new windows bring to a home. Even if you get standard windows with no upgrades, they will probably be better than what you have on your house now. Energy efficiency has come a long way and you can add things to the standards to get even more for your home, if you so desire. Once the new windows go in, the home is all sealed up and you no longer have to worry about air leaks. You aren’t wasting energy and you’re using less, which means your bills will be lower right away and they’ll stay nice and low, too. That’s the first and biggest way to save money.


New windows are, well, new, and it should be a long time before they need any repairs. Your old windows might have broken often and needed this that or the other fixed. With new windows, everything is brand new and even has warranties and guarantees on it so in the rare cases where something goes wrong, you’re covered and don’t have to worry about spending any money there anyway.


One of the areas that could be nickel and diming you without you realizing it is the maintenance of your old windows. While it might not seem to cost much at a time, over the years, the cost of paint and other supplies adds up. Not to mention the time it costs you to actually do the work. If you pay someone else to do it for you, it costs even more.


The largest savings you will see will be when you sell your house, however far into the future that might be. You will be able to get up to 80% of the price you spent on the windows back when the house sells in a higher asking price. The house will look better, which makes it easier to sell, and you will be able to put a higher price on it at the same time.

These are just the top four ways that you will save money when you get replacement windows in San Jose, CA. There are others and if you want to hear about them, contact the professionals at The Screen Shop by calling (408) 295-7384. When you call, we can answer your questions about savings and give you examples or we can set you up with a free consultation to go over all the details in person. You can also visit our showroom to look over options and examples at 601 Hamline St San Jose, CA 95110. We’re here to help you with your window project!

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The Screen Shop