There are a lot of things that suck time out of your life. Your kids take the most of your time, but that’s okay because you love them and you want to spend time with them. Work is pretty high on the list and whether you like your job or not, you have to eat and you do what is necessary. What about your windows? Do they take more of your time than you are willing to give? Getting replacement windows in San Jose, CA can change that. Here are a few ways old windows suck time away from your life.


How often do you have to put a whole weekend aside to chip away at the paint on your windows so you can repaint? Even one weekend a year is too much! Life is way too short to be scraping and painting when you could be doing just about anything else. If you don’t like the project enough, you might hire it done, but then you have to work more to pay someone else to do it so your precious time is still involved.


Older windows are known for breaking down and it can be hard to find parts to fix them once they’re old enough. First, you figure out what’s wrong with the window, which takes time. Second, you search for the parts you need…that’s right, more time. Then, you have to wait for the part to come in and attempt to fix the window. Often, you will fail and have to have a window professional come in and fix it for you. Waiting around for them to come and then having them fix things takes up, yes, even more of your time.


Paying your bills takes the same amount of time whether they are low or high, but have you noticed how much more you need to do when you have bills that are too high? Perhaps you have to put in more hours to cover the bills. Maybe you’ll spend time trying to make changes in the house, like turning off lights, unplugging appliances, and so forth to keep the bills down. If nothing else, you’ll probably let your thoughts dwell on the bills, which steals way too much time for you that you could spend doing so many other things. With replacement windows, those high bills go away and so do the worries you had over them.

If you’ve found that you do indeed spend way too much time on your old windows, switch gears and spend a little time searching for and finding the perfect replacement windows in San Jose, CA. Once you find the windows and have them installed, they will take no time at all from your life any longer. Talk to the professionals at The Screen Shop by calling (408) 295-7384 with your questions or to set up a good time to come in for a free consultation. We’re here to help however we can. Visit us at 601 Hamline St San Jose, CA 95110.

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