You need new windows. Why are you not getting replacement windows in Saratoga, CA? The number one answer to that question is, “because they cost too much.” It’s a valid answer and makes complete sense. Window replacement isn’t something you do like going to the dollar store and buying a birthday card. It’s a big investment. But what a lot of homeowners don’t realize is that by putting it off, they are spending way more money in the long run. New windows can save them money overall, even though they cost upfront. Here’s how that works:


New Windows Lower Energy Bills

The first way that window replacement will save the homeowner money is through lower energy bills. New windows are going to seal the house up and stop air leaks and drafts. That means your HVAC won’t have to work as hard to keep the energy flow in your house the way you want it. Things will get more comfortable and, as an added bonus, the energy bills will go down. The lower energy bills are a nice perk right away, but they stick around for the long haul as well. It’s years of energy savings and that really adds up. You can figure out how long it would take you to pay yourself back for the windows. And once that happens, you continue to enjoy the savings. So, instead of paying high energy bills and wasting that money—which you’ll never get back again—you can get new windows and pay yourself back…it’s money you will see again.

replacement windows in Saratoga, CA

New Windows Extinguish Repairs And Maintenance

Your old windows might need repairs from time to time to continue being operational. Their parts are old and they might be hard to find—and expensive when you do find them. Plus, if you have to pay someone to do the repairs for you, there are labor charges as well. Even if you don’t have too many repairs, you have maintenance you have to do to keep the windows working. If you do those yourself, you have to pay for supplies. If you hire someone, it costs even more. When you get new windows, all those charges go out the, well, window, and you can save all of those costs for re-paying yourself for the investment. They add up pretty quickly over the years as well, just like lower energy bills.


While replacement windows in Saratoga, CA are an upfront investment that you have to be ready for, they also pay you back so quickly that they are well worth the costs. When you need new windows and you want to look into the costs and other details, the professionals at The Screen Shop are here to help. You can have a free consultation with us and we will help you figure out the information you need to make the right decisions for your house, whatever those might end up being. Give us a call with your questions or to set up a time to talk.

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