If there’s one thing you want for your home, it’s to be comfortable. Home is where you go at the end of the day to relax. You sleep there, rest there, and spend time with your family. If you’ve noticed that you’re never able to be comfortable in your home any longer, you’re always fiddling with the thermostat and feeling drafts, it might be time for replacement windows in San Jose, CA. There are several ways in which you can replace comfort in your home with new windows. Here are a few to look forward to as you start to investigate options.

Even Temperatures

Some homes have cold temperatures in one room and too-warm temperatures in another. Those temperatures fluctuate and you can’t control them very easily. You find yourself running fans just to survive and throwing on sweaters to stave off the chill. That’s not comfortable! When you get new windows, you can even out the temperatures in your whole house. What a novel idea—one temperature in every room. And the temperature that you set, nonetheless. New windows can do that for you, which automatically helps your comfort level.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency within your home is also something that makes you comfortable. The even temperatures are one thing, but your HVAC system doesn’t have to run as hard to get you there, either. You’ll give it a break and you’ll get a break on your energy bills as well. Who isn’t more comfortable with lower bills? You’ll notice is the first month and they’ll stick around for the long haul, saving you money and allowing you to pay yourself back for the investment.


You want your home to feel comfortable, but you can’t feel good about it unless you feel safe as well. New windows are stronger and protect your home from intruders and bad storms. When your home is secure and you don’t have to worry about anyone getting in or storm water leaking through, you have peace of mind, which makes you feel comfortable both when youa re home and when you are away.

Having a comfortable home is one of the main goals any homeowner has. You want your family and anyone who visits you to be comfortable. You can take care of a lot of possible discomforts by getting replacement windows in San Jose, CA. If you’re interested in learning more about the process, contact the professionals at The Screen Shop. We can talk to you about options over the phone or answer your questions. You can also set up a free consultation by calling us at (408) 295-7384. We can even show you around and teach you how to read rating labels when you visit our showroom. We’re located at 601 Hamline St San Jose, CA 95110 and it can really help to see things in person so you can start to imagine what you want for your home. Look over more details about how we operate on our website at clovisglass.com and we’re ready to help you whenever you’re ready to move forward.

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The Screen Shop