I’ve never allowed my two fur babies outside. I know a lot of people successfully parent indoor/outdoor cats—but I’m too much of a Nervous Nelly to do it. That said, I’ve tried very hard to provide for them the most stimulating daily life I can—my windows have played a huge role in this.

If you’re a Cat Mom or Cat Dad here in the Gilroy, CA area (or anywhere, really), I have a few suggestions for you to enhance your indoor cats’ day-to-day routine. Check out these four tips!

  1. Have a lot of windows
    Easier said than done, I know. But, if your home is lacking in natural light and glass surface to the outside world—consider adding a window or two. This is a big expense, yes. But worth it. Not only will your little fur babes love it, you’ll reap benefits, too! Added natural light is proven to combat depression, seasonal allergies, low libido, lacking productivity… the list goes on.
  2. Provide sizable window sills
    Or, something like a sill. If your current windows don’t have ledges big enough for your little guys to walk across, perhaps a DIY project is in order? Some sanded plywood, screws, adhesive carpet or fashionable paint can make for a sweet little cat perch that matches your interior design.
  3. Invest in STRONG screens
    This is especially important if your cats have their claws. If you’re crazy about your furry family members like I am, the fear is REAL that they could accidentally get outside and lost. You want a strong mesh and sturdy screen frame, for sure. Felines love watching and listening to the goings-on outdoors. On cooler days, opening the windows so they can enjoy the smells and sounds is their version of a field trip! If you’re unsure about your screens, or if you don’t have any, give the team at The Screen Shop a visit. They can provide any sizes and customizations you need to ensure your little Milo or Garfield is safe!
  4. Choose washable curtains
    No matter what window coverings you choose, cats will try to get around them to gain access to the windows. Who can blame them? Gilroy, CA is lovely! Make your life simpler and choose washable curtains so removing the hair and dander is an easy task.
  5. Emulate being outside
    This could mean building a “catio” in one of your window spaces or purchasing one of those suctioned perch things that are becoming super popular right now. Whatever’s best for your budget! Remember, the key is letting them feel wild and free, even though they’re safely indoors.

I hope you’re excited to make your new windows in Gilroy, CA a little more cat-friendly! If you live in this area and are in need of those stronger screens I mentioned, the folks at The Screen Shop are great to work with. They’re cat people, too! Give them a call!

The Screen Shop | 601 Hamline St.| San Jose, CA 95110 | 408.295.7384 | contactus@thescreenshop.com

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The Screen Shop