When you search for a family home, there are a lot of elements that have to come together to work well for you. You might want a house with a certain number of bedrooms, a particular layout, and a good location to the school and your work. There are plenty of things to consider. If you find a few homes that might work for you, perhaps you are better off going with the home that recently got replacement windows in San Jose, CA. Here are a few reasons that is to your advantage:

1-You Don’t Have To Take The Project On Yourself

Some people like a fixer upper and if that’s you, more power to you. But there’s something to be said about a turnkey house that doesn’t need work, too. You just move your things in and start to enjoy it. Replacement windows are worth it, but if you don’t have to take on the project yourself, deal with the inconvenience, spend time and effort on choices and so on, it can really help you get the move together and settle into your new life in the new home.

2-You Get The Energy Savings Right Away

Replacement windows save money on energy bills, it’s that simple. When you move into a house that recently got new windows, those savings transfer over to you. It’s nice to know, with all the expenses of moving, that you won’t also be inheriting high energy bills in addition to the other costs. You’ll save money over what you would have and you can use that on paint to customize the kitchen or another room of the house.

3-You Get The Higher Value

If you compare two like houses to one another and one has replacement windows and the other doesn’t, you will likely see a higher price on the home with new windows. However, the price isn’t as much as it would be to replace the windows yourself. Homeowners generally recuperate 80% of the new windows in a higher home value. That means you get a 20% break on the cost of replacing windows yourself! And you get to enjoy a higher home value and reduced energy bills at the same time. It’s a good deal for you all the way around.

When you get a new home that has replacement windows in San Jose, CA, you can rest easy in the comfort they provide right away. If you move into a home that needs replacements, you have the ability to customize the house in your own way with the help of the professionals at The Screen Shop. Give us a call at (408) 295-7384 and we can give you a free consultation whenever you have the time to go over some details. You can also come to our showroom and start to look over options and figure out your preferences. We’re located at 601 Hamline St San Jose, CA 95110 and we’re here to show you around and help however we can.

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The Screen Shop