Replacement windows in Saratoga, CA aren’t a home project you take on every year. Or even every couple of years. It’s something homeowners generally do once in the lifespan of their homeownership. So when you do need new windows, you want the process to go really well and for the windows to stand out and look beyond fabulous on the house. Here are a few things you can do to make those windows stand out as something new and fresh and extraordinary.

Choose Color With Care

One of the biggest things appearance-wise on your new windows is the color of the frames. You can choose between a variety of colors and whatever color you choose sticks to your house for years. You’ll want to be careful with color. Choosing something that looks great now can limit you later if you paint your house another color. Think about now and the future and choose a classic color that will look good in many instances. One way homeowners are making their new windows stand out is by contrasting colors with their homes. For darker homes, they go with lighter colors. For lighter homes, black or another dark color can really accentuate the new windows.

Get The Best In Efficiency

One way to make windows stand out, even if it’s not something you can see, is by getting the highest level of energy efficiency you can be based on the budget you can afford. Energy efficiency is going to make a huge difference in your energy bills and on the way your home feels inside. That means your family will be more comfortable, which is often more important to you than the way the windows look anyway. Plus, when you get high energy efficiency, the windows will raise the value of your home more and make it easier to sell at a higher price in the future.

San Jose, CA window replacements

Complement With Coverings

When you get new windows, you have to take the window coverings down in order to have the windows installed. It might be that the window coverings as just as old and worn as the windows were. In that case, or if you are just tired of them, you may want to couple window replacement with covering replacement. Get coverings that showcase the windows in the right manner and let them shine through the house, bringing in more light and a fresh look.

There are plenty of other things you will want to think about with replacement windows in Saratoga, CA, but since this is a large investment—and one you’ll hardly ever make—it’s important to get what you want. If you want your windows to stand out as something highly special and fresh, the professionals at The Screen Shop can show you options that will do just that. There are other homes that call for windows to blend in and there are choices for that as well. Just give us a call and we’ll set you up with a free consultation to start down whatever path you want to take.

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The Screen Shop