They say that opposites attract and if that’s the case with you and your spouse, you might have different opinions as to what home improvements your house needs. You might think you need replacement windows in Los Gatos, CA and your spouse might think that getting new siding is better. How can you bring your spouse around to agreeing with you? Here are a few things you will be able to do in order to try and bring them around to your side of things.


Show Your Spouse The Wear And Tear

If your windows are old enough and worn enough, they are going to show their age and their lack of functionality. Point those out to your spouse and that might be enough for them to understand that they need to be replaced. Show them the rot, the warping, the fact that the windows are painted shut, and so on. The wear and tear can be obvious when you point it out.


Point Out The Dangers

Not only are older windows low on efficiency, but they can be dangerous. Show your spouse that the windows in your children’s bedrooms don’t open. That means there are no emergency exits from that room. You certainly don’t want that if an exit becomes necessary. If there’s a window in the living room that slams shut at random, point that out as well. You never know whose fingers are going to be in the way. Make sure you have the dangers high on your list of things to point out. Those things can really get through.

Showcase Bills

They say that money talks and it can certainly show your spouse the way to the window replacement project. If your energy bills are high, call the window company and tell them that you are considering the project and ask how much you stand to save. The answer will vary, but you’ll get enough of a read on the process that you are able to see you will save quite a bit of money. Showing your spouse how much you stand to save can help to bring them around to the project. It’s an investment up front, but later on, you save money, and the savings don’t go anywhere as the years go by.


When you are ready for replacement windows in Los Gatos, CA, but your spouse isn’t sure, consider having a free consultation with The Screen Shop. These consultations are completely free and there is no obligation involved. We won’t try to talk you into anything. We just want you to have the information you need to get on the same page with your spouse, whatever that might be. If your spouse is willing to listen to the details, that could be enough to bring them around to your side of the story. You might be able to start talking details with your spouse, planning out colors, locks, window upgrades, and more. We’ll help you get the information you need so you can go from there.

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The Screen Shop