When you have older windows, they can all sorts of issues. One of the most serious issues is air leaks in those windows. When air leaks in, and also out, you have a huge lack of efficiency in your home that you are likely going to want to fix as soon as you can. Before you jump into getting replacement windows in Saratoga, CA, which is a big investment, you will want to check your old windows for air leaks and go from there. Here are a few ways you can check for those leaks.

Hold Your Hand By The Windows

One easy thing you can do is on a breezy day, just hold your hand by the windows. Do you feel air coming through the glass or around the frames? Do you hear a rattling noise, which could be the wind blowing the glass around a bit? If you can actually feel the air on your hand drifting into the space, that’s a huge sign that you definitely have air leaks. Not every air leak is going to be huge, and that’s okay. There are other ways to check for smaller leaks that will still indicate that you need new windows.

Place Paper Around The Frames

You might try hanging something like streamers or other paper around the windows to see what happens when the breeze hits the home. As long as the air vents aren’t going to blow the paper, you will be able to tell if the windows have a draft coming through them. The paper shouldn’t move around, but if it does, you have air leaks that need to be fixed up.

Watch For Water Leaks

When water can get in, you know the air is getting in as well. If you see water stains on the windowsills, the walls, the floor, or you notice the interior window frame is wet, water is likely getting in. That can cause a lot of damage and you might be worried about mold growth as well, as you should. Before things get worse, it’s a good idea to get replacement windows to get things headed in the right way.

Check The Energy Bills

Your energy bills should be steady and dependable, but if you have noticed that they are actually rising, and at a rate higher than the standard energy price hikes, then that is another sign that you could very well have air leaks coming through your windows. When you put new windows onto your house, you are going to make those bills sink and stay nice and low.

replacement windows in Saratoga, CAHave Professionals Come Check

If you aren’t sure if you have leaky windows or not, there’s always the opportunity to ask the professionals to come over and give you a free assessment and consultation. They will check your windows over and give you expert advice with no strings attached. They won’t tell you that you need replacement windows in Saratoga, CA unless that’s what they would do in your position, with your home in mind.

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